Monday, July 20, 2009

gamasuk sekolah doong

hey bloggie khukhukhu gue ga masuk hari ini doooooooooong, sebenernya gue udah bangun kaya biasa , soalnya alarm gue nyala semua cuman kata mama yauda lah sms aja guru kamu gausah masuk aja lah kamu. oke gue melewatkan perancis, geografi 3 jam, dan statistik. YEAH! mampus gue catetan numpuk -__________________-

semalem yaa kaya biasa gue ga bisa tidur ahahhaa pas ngecek msn udah sepi padahal baru jam setengah 1 pagi , biasanya masih rame msn gue, adanya Randy , cuman ogah ah.. ntar disapa sama dia 'kamu ga tidur say?' IYELAH KALO GUE TIDUR NGAPAIN GUE OL MSN hih oon!

oh oke gue kecewa hari ini uoouoo . udah gue gagal nonton harpot , gue gaenak badan, sekarang mata gue sesipit anak cina, hahahha. bengep banget ini gue mau kompres ga ada timun -_- yeah kembali fakta fakta baru bermunculan , makasi ya Dyz, Siw, Lul, udah nemenin gue conf waktu itu , ga sangka gue.. cuman..... kalo dyza bilang :

(10:22 PM) Dyza: prepare for the best
expect for the worst

(10:38 PM) Dyza: tapi ya
menurut pencenayangan gue
meskipun gue dan osi telah ngomong begini2

(10:38 PM) Dyza: sepertinya kau akan tetap suka pin

dyzavanska @piniaagista We all know, dear. U're still not over him, are u? Cupcupcup.. Time will tell, Pin.. :-)
11:31 AM Jul 18th from web

yeah... you're right Dyz, cuman gue tau udah saatnya move on sebelom gue kehilangan lebih banyak lagi, udah cukup banyak waktu gue terbuang buat nangis ga jelas, buat ngerenungin halhal yang menurut gue, dia bahkan ga akan pernah bisa ngerti, sakit sih, cuman mau diapain lagi yakan ?

oh ya, tadi amel ngasih puisi2 gitu hhahaha love letter(s) sih check this ! :

I saw you on Saturday afternoon, but did you see me,
and if you did, would you even admit to it?
How much longer must we both deny our feelings?
I cannot anymore, and I know in my heart I still love you.
I believe that you feel the same for me also,
but until you tell me, what can I do?
Are all my efforts to reach you in vain?
Should I stop writing to you altogether?
Please write to me or this will be the last time that I try.

To the man I love

It was never going to be easy having to look at you as a friend, yet wanting you to be so much more.
It’s as simple as opening a not so distant door and telling you I Love you but I can’t, I’m afraid because you don’t see me in that way.

The last thing I want is for our friendship to be dead. You’ve been there for me when I needed you most. As one painful chapter of my life ended, you gave me hope and you showed me reasons.
It’s difficult to be rational when emotions concerned. Why must Love be unconditional? So much for my prayers. I’m torn between the moon and the sun. I can’t Love you in the way I want.

I've seen it happen and it’s not pretty to watch the stars fall when forever died. I couldn’t even cry. All I did was sit out that night, hiding the fear to myself by looking out to a far off place.
It’s cruel but some say the gods play men. Deep in my heart, it’s me to be blame. Why did our friendship ended? If there ever were reasons, it would be me because I've become less than a woman.

thanks girls , i realized about everything now, and right now, i want all of you help me to smile again :)


Monday, July 20, 2009

gamasuk sekolah doong

Posted by pinia agista at Monday, July 20, 2009
hey bloggie khukhukhu gue ga masuk hari ini doooooooooong, sebenernya gue udah bangun kaya biasa , soalnya alarm gue nyala semua cuman kata mama yauda lah sms aja guru kamu gausah masuk aja lah kamu. oke gue melewatkan perancis, geografi 3 jam, dan statistik. YEAH! mampus gue catetan numpuk -__________________-

semalem yaa kaya biasa gue ga bisa tidur ahahhaa pas ngecek msn udah sepi padahal baru jam setengah 1 pagi , biasanya masih rame msn gue, adanya Randy , cuman ogah ah.. ntar disapa sama dia 'kamu ga tidur say?' IYELAH KALO GUE TIDUR NGAPAIN GUE OL MSN hih oon!

oh oke gue kecewa hari ini uoouoo . udah gue gagal nonton harpot , gue gaenak badan, sekarang mata gue sesipit anak cina, hahahha. bengep banget ini gue mau kompres ga ada timun -_- yeah kembali fakta fakta baru bermunculan , makasi ya Dyz, Siw, Lul, udah nemenin gue conf waktu itu , ga sangka gue.. cuman..... kalo dyza bilang :

(10:22 PM) Dyza: prepare for the best
expect for the worst

(10:38 PM) Dyza: tapi ya
menurut pencenayangan gue
meskipun gue dan osi telah ngomong begini2

(10:38 PM) Dyza: sepertinya kau akan tetap suka pin

dyzavanska @piniaagista We all know, dear. U're still not over him, are u? Cupcupcup.. Time will tell, Pin.. :-)
11:31 AM Jul 18th from web

yeah... you're right Dyz, cuman gue tau udah saatnya move on sebelom gue kehilangan lebih banyak lagi, udah cukup banyak waktu gue terbuang buat nangis ga jelas, buat ngerenungin halhal yang menurut gue, dia bahkan ga akan pernah bisa ngerti, sakit sih, cuman mau diapain lagi yakan ?

oh ya, tadi amel ngasih puisi2 gitu hhahaha love letter(s) sih check this ! :

I saw you on Saturday afternoon, but did you see me,
and if you did, would you even admit to it?
How much longer must we both deny our feelings?
I cannot anymore, and I know in my heart I still love you.
I believe that you feel the same for me also,
but until you tell me, what can I do?
Are all my efforts to reach you in vain?
Should I stop writing to you altogether?
Please write to me or this will be the last time that I try.

To the man I love

It was never going to be easy having to look at you as a friend, yet wanting you to be so much more.
It’s as simple as opening a not so distant door and telling you I Love you but I can’t, I’m afraid because you don’t see me in that way.

The last thing I want is for our friendship to be dead. You’ve been there for me when I needed you most. As one painful chapter of my life ended, you gave me hope and you showed me reasons.
It’s difficult to be rational when emotions concerned. Why must Love be unconditional? So much for my prayers. I’m torn between the moon and the sun. I can’t Love you in the way I want.

I've seen it happen and it’s not pretty to watch the stars fall when forever died. I couldn’t even cry. All I did was sit out that night, hiding the fear to myself by looking out to a far off place.
It’s cruel but some say the gods play men. Deep in my heart, it’s me to be blame. Why did our friendship ended? If there ever were reasons, it would be me because I've become less than a woman.

thanks girls , i realized about everything now, and right now, i want all of you help me to smile again :)

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